I know it is last minute. We should try and get as many people here as possible. Even if it doesn't happen, I think it would be a good idea to show up.
There will be a meeting held on friday 4/8/11 by the Parks Board at the City County Building (room 260 4 or5pm). I do not have the exact time, and cant find any info about it on the web. There is supposed to be some type of announcement in terms of who will be aquiring the property that the skatepark resides on. I dont think they will be counting on the public attending. I think it would serve our cause best to have as many parents, business owners, and people who care about the future of the skatepark to be in attendance. Please repost this and tell everyone you know. It's time to stand up and get involved. Any further info I can get before hand will be posted ASAP.