Indianapolis is the Capital of Indiana. We currently have one skate park that desperately needs renovation. The crowds swarm the park every time school is let out or the weekend is here. Indianapolis is home to a large population of skateboarders and bmxers. We need to get organized this blog will inform you of upcoming events and happenings. ONLINE PETITION!!! PLEASE SIGN!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Park Ideas

Sorry I have been slacking lately.


So I went to Long Beach over my spring break and skated a little bit. We skated San Pedro.

Indy needs a bridge spot to keep the snow and rain off (lets focus on one thing at a time). This bowl is really fun and has tons of lines to keep people interested. A little on the difficult side but some really cool obstacles in it. My favorite is the entry way where there is a door you can skate over.

This is a park in downtown Long Beach. Mostly prefab not worth mentioning, but this little guy was really fun. We have thrown the idea around of a skateable walking path around the park. This would make a pretty fun addition to that. Just some more ideas.

Someone showed me this website. Good work guys I like how you are organizing. This is another thing that Indy needs we are too separated here. Could a fun park be a good meeting place??? Check out their site some photos that make me want to go skate!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if it's any of my business, but I notice a lot of skateparks in Indiana (the ones I've been to, at least) have the essentials, but they were built in such a strange way that they've become unskateable. If you go Here you can see what I'm talking about. This picture was taken from the park in Fort Wayne, IN. If you look at the ledge on the far right of this photo, it's been made a hazard for anyone trying it because the angle on top of it is too harsh; it's something like 60-70 degrees, when it should be closer to 45. And the rail in the back left, it's height at the top is no more than 8 inches, but at the bottom, it's almost 2 feet. It begs for people to get hurt on it. I guess what I'm saying is that just as important as selection of obstacles is the DESIGN of them too. No more stupid objects in skateparks!
