Indianapolis is the Capital of Indiana. We currently have one skate park that desperately needs renovation. The crowds swarm the park every time school is let out or the weekend is here. Indianapolis is home to a large population of skateboarders and bmxers. We need to get organized this blog will inform you of upcoming events and happenings. ONLINE PETITION!!! PLEASE SIGN!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Indy skate advocates in the paper
There was recently an article in the Indianapolis Star. The writer Amanda Kingsbury was trying to find some educators that are doing interesting things. She had heard about our group and wanted to get the story out. Hopefully this helps our cause.
Recent updates
Sarah and Jordan are having a baby! Congrats to the new family. They were the ones with the idea to start this now as they have more on their plate a few of us have stepped up and are trying to take the reigns. Evan and myself met a few weeks ago and started making some emails and phone calls. Hopefully we will be able to put some wind back in our sails.
The money we have raised is now in an account. WE RAISED $1200 in a short amount of time. Hopefully we can get someone from the city on our side and make something happen. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Recent travels
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Great meeting

We had a great meeting on the 20th. Thanks to everyone that is helping us. Remember if you haven't seen it on facebook we have an event this coming Thursday the 28th at Talbott St. There will be some awesome bands playing and all the proceeds go to ISA. Also, we will be selling some awesome photos from Hutch, a tattoo!, a bike tune up from ISC, and many other things. Come check it out!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
phew. We hope.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
meeting update
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Local celebrity: Tim Devlin
Jabril Riguad
Special to MetromixMarch 29, 2011

related items
Claim to fame: Co-founder, Indianapolis Skate Park Advocates; technology education teacher, Lynhurst 7th & 8th Grade Center.
If you had 30 seconds to pitch the ISPA cause to the City Council/mayor, what would you say?
I personally know kids around the city who are being pressured with serious choices, be it gangs or violence and drug use. I grew up around skate parks, and it has done great things for my life. I would love for these kids to have the same chance to receive the mentorship that older skateboarders can give.
What’s your main project right now?
We’re working with the King Park neighborhood to get a skate park put in at 25th and the Monon. We are also pursuing turning our group into a nonprofit so we will be able to accept donations and grants.
Why did you make this your personal cause?
I’ve had had an interest in skateboarding since the fifth grade. Even then, I would write the mayor letters, begging him to build a skate park in Carmel. I wish I still had some of those letters.
Before becoming a teacher what was your dream?
To be a bum, I guess? Just make enough money to skateboard all the time, and just live in a small house with little bills. But a couple things happened that changed all that.
What were those things?
During that part of my life, I was living out of my van. I met a lot of younger kids at skate parks who hated school. I started asking myself why I liked (school) and then I remembered all the teachers that really influenced me.
My mom also got on me and was like, “Why are you going to waste the talents that you have? How are you not going to give back anything that was given to you?” This hit pretty hard.
What’s your favorite place to skate locally? Ultimate dream spot?
Locally, the park at Major Taylor. My dream place would be an empty pool on a spring afternoon in Arizona.
Do you skate with protective gear?
I would if it was cool, as bad as it sounds. I would, but it’s not. So I just make excuses not to?
If you were going to jail for life tomorrow, what’s the last meal you’d eat in this town and why?
For sure, the Taco and Burrito Place at 42nd Street and Millersville Road. Pablo would definitely hook it up — best burritos in town.
Indianapolis: Love it or leave it?
Love it. I’ve tried to move to other places, and I always end up here. I can’t really put it into words.
Indianapolis Skate Park Advocates
ISPA will host a fundraiser April 28 at Talbott Street, featuring bands and raffles.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Oursecond fundraising event went off amazingly. All the bands ripped, everyone at the Vollrath were great hosts, and the crowd was amazing. Thanks to everyone that came out and a special thanks to Evan for organizing the event and the bands. We have a small start money wise which is awesome that we have any. The biggest thing we can ask from everyone is your support. Please add us on facebook!! Indy skatepark advocates